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Some drops of JavaScript

Getting all the object entries

Getting key-value pairs of an object using Object.entries()

The Object.entries() method returns an array of key-value pairs for each element in the object.

const user = {
    name: 'John',
    age: 30
console.log(Object.entries(user)); // [['name', 'John'], ['age', 30]]


  • If you want to determine the number of key-value pairs in an object, you can use the Object.entries() method.
console.log(Object.entries(user).length); // 2
  • If you want to get the keys of an object then you can use the Object.entries()method.
console.log(Object.entries(user).map(item => item[0])); // ['name', 'age']
  • If you want to get the values of an object then you can use the Object.entries()method.
console.log(Object.entries(user).map(item => item[1])); // ['John', 30]
  • If you want to check if an object has a specific key then you can use the Object.entries()method.
console.log(Object.entries(user).some(item => item[0] === 'name')); // true

If you’re wondering why we can use array methods with Object.entries(), remember that the Object.entries() method returns an array of key-value pairs. We can then apply methods like map(), some(), and length to this array to access or manipulate its values.