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Some drops of JavaScript

Getting all the object properties/attributes

Getting all the properties of an object

The Object.keys() method returns an array containing all the keys/properties of a given object.

const user = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30,

console.log(Object.keys(user)) // ['name', 'age']


  • If you need to check whether a specific property exists in an object, you can use Object.keys() and then search for the property in the resulting array.
const user = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30,

const propertyToCheck = 'name'
const isExit = Object.keys(user).includes(propertyToCheck)
  ? 'Exists'
  : 'Does not exist'

console.log(`The property "${propertyToCheck}" ${isExit}.`)
  • If you need to get all the properties of an object, you can use Object.keys() and then loop through the resulting array.
for (const key of Object.keys(user)) {